About Me



Art to me is meditation. It is the only thing that can relax my mind and clear my thoughts. It is essential to my well being and has been a major part of my identity since early childhood.  My maternal grandfather, Yukio Tashiro, was an artist by trade, so you can say it is in my blood, but I was pushed away from art as a career by my parents who had seen first hand the struggles of a “starving artist”. I am finally at a stage of my life where I could bring my creativity to its highest level and I am ready to share it with the world, starting with my first collection “Old’s Cool/New’s School”.

The intent behind my work is to be playful and clever with a lot of attention to detail without being overly photorealistic. I do not use any special instruments, tapes, projectors or tools so the lines might not be perfectly straight and the circles not 100% round, but my goal is to make the imperfections and asymmetries imperceptible at first glance. Each piece takes 100’s of hours and usually evolves as I go, so there is a lot of trial and error and reworking of the idea as it unfolds. 

I hope you enjoy it and that it is able to provoke thought or emotion because that is ultimately what art is intended to do. It is an honor to know that people are using my work to decorate the walls of their homes and personal spaces.